“A life lived with purpose and passion leaves a lasting legacy.” – Les Brown

“The aim of life is not to be immortalized, but to create something that is.” – James Thurber

“Your legacy is every life you touch and every heart you leave better.” – Oprah Winfrey

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” – Pericles

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

“Your legacy is the imprint you leave behind on the hearts of others.” – Unknown

“A legacy is not solely based on what you achieve, but on how many lives you touch along the way.” – Unknown

“While we may not live forever, the impact we make on others can.” – Unknown

“Your legacy is not just about leaving your mark, but also about making a difference.” – Unknown

“A true legacy is not about wealth or fame, but about the positive change you bring into the world.” – Unknown

“Your legacy will live on through the stories and memories of those whose lives you touched.” – Unknown

“Legacy is not leaving something for people, but leaving something in people.” – Peter Strople

“The memories and lessons you leave behind become the true measure of your legacy.” – Unknown

“A life well-lived becomes a legacy of love.” – Unknown SHARE LOVE QUOTES

“Leave behind footprints, not scars.” – Unknown

“Your impact on the world determines the longevity of your legacy.” – Unknown

“Legacy is not what you did for yourself, but what you did for others.” – Unknown

“A great legacy is built not only on achievements, but also on the lives you inspire.” – Unknown

“The echoes of your actions will continue to inspire others long after you are gone.” – Unknown

“A life’s worth is not measured by its duration, but by the lives it touches and transforms.” – Unknown

“Your legacy is not about what you gain, but what you give.” – Unknown

“The ripple effects of your kindness and compassion create a legacy that can last for generations.” – Unknown

“Your legacy is the light you leave behind in the hearts of those you’ve touched.” – Unknown

“A life dedicated to serving others creates a legacy that is immortal.” – Unknown

“Leaving a legacy means making the world a better place, one step at a time.” – Unknown

“A life well-lived is its own legacy, a testament to the power of human potential.” – Unknown