“You can’t please everyone, so focus on pleasing yourself.”

“My emotions are not a priority to you, and that’s okay.”

“Your disregard for my feelings shows me your true character.”

“I’ve learned that I don’t need validation from others.”

“My feelings matter, but if you choose to ignore them, it’s ultimately your loss.”

“I refuse to let your indifference towards my emotions affect my self-worth.”

“Your lack of concern for my feelings only strengthens my independence.”

“I am responsible for my own happiness, not yours.”

“You may not care about my feelings, but that doesn’t mean I have to stop caring about myself.”

“My emotional wellbeing is my own responsibility, not yours.”

“Ignoring my feelings won’t make them disappear.”

“Your lack of empathy speaks volumes about your character.”

“I’ve learned that it’s okay to distance myself from people who don’t value my emotions.” BEST TEAM CAPTAIN QUOTES

“Your indifference will not hold me back from achieving my happiness.”

“I won’t let your disregard for my feelings dictate my self-worth.”

“My feelings are valid, even if you choose not to acknowledge them.”

“You may not care about my emotions, but I will continue to prioritize my own wellbeing.”

“I am strong enough to validate my own feelings.”

“Your dismissive attitude towards my emotions only strengthens my resilience.”

“I refuse to let your lack of concern affect my self-confidence.”

“I won’t allow your indifference to determine my happiness.”

“You may not care about my feelings, but that won’t stop me from caring for myself.”

“My emotions are not dependent on your approval.”

“I deserve to be surrounded by people who respect and consider my feelings.”

“Your apathy towards my emotions will not define how I feel about myself.”