Unfortunately, there is no specific quote from Will Smith about slapping. However, here are 21 motivational quotes by Will Smith that may inspire you:

“The first step before anyone else in the world believes it is you have to believe it.”

“Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing, and work hard. The right people – the ones who really belong in your life – will come to you. And stay.”

“Life is lived on the edge.”

“I wake up every morning believing today is going to be better than yesterday.”

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future.”

“I’ve always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous insane obsessiveness for practice and preparation.”

“The key to life is running and reading.”

“I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want, that success is within reach if you’re willing to put in the work.”

“Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”

“There’s no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.”

“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, you’re wasting your time.” BE THE FRIEND YOU WANT TO HAVE QUOTE

“I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.”

“Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It’s something that truly exists in all of us.”

“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say, ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.'”

“Confidence is the most important thing you can own. Free yourself from people’s opinions.”

“The best things in life are on the other side of fear.”

“You don’t try to build a wall. You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say, ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.’ You do that every single day. And soon you’ll have a wall.”

“Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period.”

“Ultimately, the only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren’t is the willingness to work very, very hard.”

“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.”

“I love living. I think that’s infectious. It’s something that you can’t fake.”