“Infidelity is not a mistake, it is a choice.”

“If you can cheat on your partner, you can cheat on your principles.” – Unknown

“Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.” – Unknown

“Cheating is easy. Try doing something challenging, like being faithful.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is a knife that cuts deep and leaves scars that never truly heal.” – Unknown

“A real man doesn’t cheat, he stays loyal to one woman.” – Unknown

“Cheating on someone who loves you is like throwing away a treasure for a penny.” – Unknown

“When you cheat, not only do you betray your partner, but you betray yourself.” – Unknown

“Cheating is a game for cowards, not for those with integrity and morals.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal, the breaking of trust that can never be fully repaired.” – Unknown

“One lie is enough to question all the truth in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Cheating on your spouse is like tearing apart a beautiful masterpiece.” – Unknown

“Being unfaithful is a choice, not a mistake. It is a choice that can destroy lives.” – Unknown

“A cheater will always be a cheater, regardless of the excuse.” – Unknown

“The pain of infidelity is not just in the act itself, but in the erosion of trust that follows.” – Unknown MIND SAYS MOVE ON HEART SAYS HOLD ON QUOTES

“When you cheat on someone, you do not just hurt them, you destroy a part of their soul.” – Unknown

“A cheating spouse can shatter a person’s self-esteem and belief in love.” – Unknown

“Cheating may give temporary pleasure, but it brings long-lasting pain and regret.” – Unknown

“Cheating is never a solution; it only adds to the problem.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is a choice, not a mistake. It is a choice to break someone’s heart.” – Unknown

“Cheating is easy when love is weak.” – Unknown

“A marriage built on lies and infidelity will always crumble under the weight of broken trust.” – Unknown

“Cheating is never a sign of love; it is a betrayal of love.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a glass, once broken, it can never be the same again.” – Unknown

“Cheating is a cowardly shortcut that leads to a dead-end.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is a poison that slowly kills the love and trust in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Once a cheater, always a cheater. Trust can never be fully restored.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is a wound that time alone cannot heal. It requires honesty, remorse, and a commitment to change.” – Unknown