“I make bad decisions with good whiskey.”

“Whiskey is the answer, but I can’t remember the question.”

“I’m not really a whiskey enthusiast, I just really like alcohol.”

“Whiskey: because no good story ever started with a salad.”

“Life is too short to drink bad whiskey.”

“Whiskey: because no great story starts with someone eating a salad.”

“Whiskey is my spirit animal.”

“I was going to quit drinking, but then I remembered whiskey exists.”

“Whiskey: because every great friendship starts with ‘hold my drink’.”

“Whiskey is just liquid sunshine.”

“I don’t always drink whiskey, but when I do, I prefer to be entertained.”

“There’s no wrong way to enjoy whiskey, as long as you’re enjoying it.” DADDY DAUGHTER QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Whiskey: turning mediocre nights into unforgettable memories since forever.”

“Whiskey: because sometimes you just need a break from being awesome.”

“I like my whiskey like I like my life – on the rocks.”

“Whiskey: because no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.”

“Whiskey makes everything better. Except for bad decisions, it makes them worse.”

“Whiskey gives you courage. Courage gives you stories. Stories give you friends.”

“Life is too short to drink cheap whiskey.”

“Whiskey: because no great story ever started with a glass of milk.”

“Don’t cry over spilled milk, but definitely cry over spilled whiskey.”

“Whiskey: the adult version of ‘maybe just one more bedtime story’.”

“I don’t always drink whiskey, but when I do, all my problems become awesome adventures.”