“You are good enough when you believe in your own worth.”

“Remember, you are enough just as you are.”

“Stop comparing yourself to others and embrace your unique journey.”

“You don’t need anyone else’s validation to feel good enough.”

“Your worth is not determined by the opinions of others.”

“You are already good enough. Focus on self-acceptance and self-love.”

“Embrace your imperfections because they make you beautifully human.”

“Believe in yourself, and others will see your worth.”

“Don’t strive for perfection; strive for progress and growth.”

“Your worth is not defined by your achievements or successes.”

“Accept that you are a work in progress and give yourself grace.”

“You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. You are enough.”

“Your self-worth should not depend on external validation.”

“Believe in your capabilities, and others will too.”

“You are good enough when you start embracing your true self.” SAD AFGHANISTAN QUOTES

“There is no one else like you. That alone makes you enough.”

“Nobody is perfect, and that is what makes us beautiful.”

“The opinion that matters the most is your own.”

“Don’t let self-doubt overshadow your worth.”

“You are enough, and you always have been.”

“Perfection is a myth; embrace your uniqueness instead.”

“Your worth is not determined by your mistakes but by your resilience.”

“You are good enough when you believe it with every fiber of your being.”

“Embrace self-compassion and forgive yourself for your perceived imperfections.”

“Others’ expectations do not define your worth.”

“Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.”

“Comparing yourself to others is a waste of your uniqueness.”

“You don’t need permission to be yourself. You are enough already.”

“You are good enough when you accept and love every part of who you are.”