“We can’t fix yesterday, but we can always fix tomorrow.” – Unknown

“Don’t wait for things to get better. Make them better.” – Unknown

“No problem is too big or too small. We have the power to fix them all.” – Unknown

“The first step to fixing a problem is admitting there is one.” – Unknown

“You have the tools within you to fix whatever comes your way.” – Unknown

“Fixing something doesn’t always mean making it perfect. It means making it work.” – Unknown

“If it’s broken, fix it. If it’s not broken, make it better.” – Unknown

“There is no problem that persistence and determination can’t fix.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty when it comes to fixing things.” – Unknown

“Fixing mistakes is not a sign of weakness, but a display of strength.” – Unknown

“Every problem has a solution. It’s up to us to find it.” – Unknown

“Fixing things requires patience, effort, and a positive mindset.” – Unknown

“Fixing something is an opportunity to learn and grow.” – Unknown

“Don’t just talk about fixing problems, take action and make a change.” – Unknown QUOTES ON SELF EXAMINATION

“The desire to fix something is often the catalyst for great innovation.” – Unknown

“Fixing something requires a combination of creativity and determination.” – Unknown

“Fixing a problem is not a one-time event, it’s an ongoing process.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the best way to fix something is to start from scratch.” – Unknown

“Fixing something is a way to leave a positive impact on the world.” – Unknown

“The belief that we can fix things is what keeps us moving forward.” – Unknown

“The power to fix something lies within each and every one of us.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear of failure prevent you from attempting to fix something.” – Unknown

“Fixing things is not just about the outcome, but also the journey.” – Unknown

“The willingness to fix something is a sign of strength and resilience.” – Unknown

“No problem is insurmountable if we approach it with the intention to fix it.” – Unknown

“We have the power to fix our own lives and make a positive impact on others.” – Unknown

“Fixing something is not a burden, but a privilege to create positive change.” – Unknown