“A true friend is someone who is there for you in both good times and bad, while a fake friend disappears when things get tough.”

“A fake friend talks about you behind your back, while a true friend defends you in your absence.”

“True friends bring out the best in you, while fake friends bring out the worst.”

“A fake friend will only be around when they need something, while a true friend is always there to support you, regardless of their own needs.”

“True friends are like stars, shining brightly even in the darkest of times. Fake friends fade away when darkness falls.”

“A true friend accepts you for who you are, while a fake friend tries to change you.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, always lurking nearby but never truly there for you. True friends are like sunshine, brightening your life with their presence.”

“True friends are honest with you, even if it hurts. Fake friends only tell you what you want to hear.”

“A fake friend will always find an excuse, while a true friend will always find a way.”

“True friends lift you up when you’re down, while fake friends push you down further.”

“True friends celebrate your successes, while fake friends are secretly jealous.” QUOTES FOR WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE A FAILURE

“Fake friends are only around to take, while true friends are there to give.”

“A true friend encourages you to grow and succeed, while a fake friend tries to hold you back.”

“True friends are there for you in your darkest moments, while fake friends only appear in your brightest times.”

“A fake friend will abandon you when you make a mistake, while a true friend stays by your side and helps you learn from it.”

“True friends are loyal until the end, while fake friends are only loyal as long as it benefits them.”

“A fake friend will gossip about you, while a true friend will defend your name.”

“True friends accept your flaws and love you unconditionally, while fake friends only value perfection.”

“A fake friend will judge you based on your mistakes, while a true friend forgives and supports you through them.”

“True friends are rare gems that cannot be replaced, while fake friends are disposable like costume jewelry.”