“I always come first, no matter what.”

“I don’t care about anyone’s feelings but my own.”

“Other people’s problems are not my concern.”

“I deserve all the attention and admiration.”

“I’m the most important person in the room, always.”

“I manipulate others to get what I want.”

“My needs always take priority over others.”

“Nobody can understand my level of greatness.”

“I cannot be bothered with other people’s opinions.”

“I only care about myself and my own happiness.”

“I use people as stepping stones to achieve my goals.”

“If it doesn’t benefit me, I’m not interested.” SOME THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE QUOTES

“I have no empathy for others’ struggles.”

“I am entitled to everything I desire.”

“I don’t apologize because I’m never wrong.”

“I am the center of the universe.”

“I only surround myself with people who serve me.”

“Other people’s feelings are irrelevant to me.”

“I will do whatever it takes to get what I want.”

“Others exist solely to fulfill my needs and desires.”

“My happiness is the only thing that matters.”

“I see everyone as competition, not potential friends.”