It seems like you are asking for quotes about the Titanic or quotes related to the God mentioning the Titanic. Here are a few quotes that might align with your query:

“Even God himself could not sink this ship.” – Titanic crew member (erroneously attributed to White Star Line Chairman, J. Bruce Ismay)

“God himself cannot change the past.” – Agathon

“In every catastrophe, there is God’s face to be seen.” – Unknown

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.” – William Cowper

“Though we may not fully understand the reasons behind such tragedies, God can bring growth and strength from them.” – Unknown

“The Titanic was called unsinkable, but the world had forgotten that God has the final say.” – Unknown

“Like the Titanic, life is unpredictable, but God provides the lifeboat of His grace to all who believe.” – Unknown

“We may not understand why God allows certain events, but we can trust in His plan and find comfort in knowing He is in control.” – Unknown

“When tragedy strikes, we must turn to God for strength and solace.” – Unknown

“God is our anchor in the midst of life’s storms.” – Unknown

“The Titanic reminds us of the fragility of human life and the power of God.” – Unknown

“In the face of tragedy, faith in God becomes our lifeline.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, God’s grace is found in the midst of unimaginable pain and loss.” – Unknown

“Let go and let God steer your life, for only He knows the course to safely navigate through life’s challenges.” – Unknown WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD QUOTES

“Just as the Titanic met its fate, our lives too shall face challenges, but with God, we can overcome anything.” – Unknown

“God’s love is like an unsinkable ship; it will carry us through life’s darkest moments.” – Unknown

“When life throws us into an ocean of trials, God will be our life preserver.” – Unknown

“Even in the depths of despair, God can bring hope and healing.” – Unknown

“When the storms of life hit us hard, God offers His hand to steer us to safety.” – Unknown

“Just as God’s hand guided Noah’s ark, He guides us through life’s turbulent waters.” – Unknown

“God can turn tragedy into triumph; the story of the Titanic is a reminder of His redemption.” – Unknown

“In the face of adversity, let us turn to God and trust His plan.” – Unknown

“The Titanic reminds us of our human frailty and the need to rely on God’s strength.” – Unknown

“God’s mercy is infinite, even when tragedy strikes.” – Unknown

“God’s presence is felt most strongly during life’s darkest hours.” – Unknown

“In the face of disaster, God’s grace provides comfort and strength.” – Unknown

“When all seems lost, God’s love shines brightest.” – Unknown