“People may not always like you, but they can never ignore you.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you’re not.” – Andre Gide

“If someone doesn’t like you, it doesn’t mean you have to stop liking yourself.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your energy trying to change people’s perception of you. Just live your life and be happy.” – Unknown

“Not everyone will like you, and that’s perfectly okay.” – Unknown

“I don’t care what people think of me. At least mosquitoes find me attractive.” – Unknown

“Be yourself, and the right people will like you.” – Unknown

“You can’t please everyone. Make sure you’re one of the people you’re pleased with.” – Unknown

“Happiness is not derived from being liked by everyone, but from accepting yourself and being true to who you are.” – Unknown

“Embrace your uniqueness, even if it means some people won’t like you.” – Unknown

“Your worth is not determined by other people’s opinions of you.” – Unknown

“Don’t worry about what others think. Focus on being the best version of yourself.” – Unknown

“You don’t need everyone to like you, just a few people who really understand you.” – Unknown

“If you want to be liked by everyone, then you need to start working on being yourself.” – Unknown

“People’s opinions of you are not your responsibility.” – Unknown EDGAR ALLAN POE BEAUTY QUOTES

“The only person you should strive to be liked by is yourself.” – Unknown

“If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their loss, not yours.” – Unknown

“You are not for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay.” – Unknown

“The more you like yourself, the less you care if others like you.” – Unknown

“Some people are just not capable of liking anyone, so don’t take it personally.” – Unknown

“You can’t please everyone, so focus on pleasing yourself.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time trying to be liked by people who don’t value you.” – Unknown

“Your self-worth should never be dependent on others’ opinions of you.” – Unknown

“If people don’t like you, it’s their loss, not yours. Keep shining.” – Unknown

“Remember that other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.” – Unknown

“Be proud of who you are, and let the haters do their job.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be disliked for who you are than liked for who you’re not.” – Unknown

“You can’t control what other people think of you, so why bother?” – Unknown

“Don’t let the opinions of others define you. You are so much more than that.” – Unknown