“Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles.” – Homer, The Iliad

“And I might sit and mope among the Argives, An inglorious burden of the earth.” – Achilles

“Let the troops fight it out, And let Zeus see whose arm triumphs” – Agamemnon

“O god of earthquakes—god of the sea’s profundities—” – Achilles

“So the gods spun our lives that we, we wretched men/ live on to bear such torments—the gods! endless!”

“Brave-hearted Achilles- he has lost my friendship for good” – Agamemnon

“Old Peleus—god of the earthquake strikes me down if ever/ I laid my hands deceitfully on a girl” – Achilles

“Better, worse- all is one in death.” – Hector

“Small thought for the fallen.” – Homer, The Iliad

“An unfortunate king, born to a brief life, and in the sight of all. No time…to come to terms before dying.” – Hector

“As if a lion comes upon a defenseless beast and swallows it/ whole, its entrails and everything. Just so he gobbled down/ the entrails and dark blood.” – Achilles INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ITS ALL ABOUT

“Of all beasts that move on earth and breathe with the wind/ come greatest captain against Troy—that is Greek and Trojan—/down till now,” – Helen

“I tell you, look around you at your long-haired Greeks:/ of their many and many long-haired kings, Odysseus/ must vie with them all.” – Diomedes

“Like a lion on a mountain peak looking down/ on sheep or some large flock, all around him,/ wolves and lionesses go ravenous with want,/ so I exulted in my spear that day/ and killed the men around me for God.” – Diomedes

“If only I were immortal and forever free from age.” – Achilles

“I am not about to fight with heaven”—Odysseus

“I know of no more forlorn sight that a whole people./ Knows things that are but must never be told.” – Homer, The Iliad

“Dear lady, why are you weeping? And what sorrow/ has come to you now? Has your husband’s brother/ wounded my men with his lance?” – Achilles

“Then the goddess pushed it hard against his thigh:/ down came the blade, and he yelled…and the land/ shouted as he lay in the dust.” – Diomedes

“We did the best we could: it was Zeus that went for your eyes.” – Hector