“The face you make when someone tries to steal your thunder.”

“The face you make when you realize it’s Friday.”

“The face you make when you can’t believe what you just heard.”

“The face you make when someone tells a really bad joke.”

“The face you make when you see your crush walk by.”

“The face you make when you’re trying to hold back laughter.”

“The face you make when you’re caught red-handed.”

“The face you make when you receive an unexpected gift.”

“The face you make when you win an argument.”

“The face you make when you see your favorite food being served.”

“The face you make when your favorite song comes on.”

“The face you make when you accomplish a difficult task.” ONE LOYAL FRIEND QUOTES

“The face you make when you’re caught in a compromising situation.”

“The face you make when you witness a beautiful sunset.”

“The face you make when you see a cute puppy.”

“The face you make when you finish a great book.”

“The face you make when you see a breathtaking view.”

“The face you make when you receive a compliment.”

“The face you make when you find money you didn’t know you had.”

“The face you make when you successfully pull off a surprise.”

“The face you make when you realize you’re running late.”

“The face you make when your favorite team scores a goal.”