“I am not an animal! I am a human being!” – John Merrick

“Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams.” – John Merrick

“We have all at some time or other felt like outsiders, as if the world doesn’t quite understand us. But for John Merrick, this feeling was his daily reality.” – Narrator

“I had perished, so to speak, and there stood only death and humanity.” – John Merrick

“What frightens me is that no one will ever see me as I truly am.” – John Merrick

“You’ve got to keep a stiff upper lip. You must accept the cards that fate deals you, or else you go mad.” – Mrs. Kendal

“…a world where nobody will suffer, where every human being will be loved and respected.” – Treves

“It is ignorance that breeds fear, and fear breeds prejudice.” – Treves

“Life is full of surprises and oddities, and it is these that make it interesting.” – Mrs. Kendal

“People are frightened by things they don’t understand.” – Treves

“We’re all, in a sense, freaks. We’re all, in a sense, crippled by our own existence.” – Mrs. Kendal QUOTES ABOUT APPRECIATING YOUR HUSBAND

“When we look beyond the outward appearance, we can find beauty in the most unexpected places.” – Narrator

“I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a man, just like you!” – John Merrick

“It is the person inside that truly matters, not the external packaging.” – Treves

“You cannot judge a book by its cover.” – Unknown

“The true measure of a person’s worth is not how they look, but how they treat others.” – Narrator

“Sometimes, the greatest battles we face are the ones deep within ourselves.” – Unknown

“What makes us human is not our physical appearance, but our capacity for emotion and understanding.” – Treves

“Beauty does not lie in perfection, but in the quirks and flaws that make us unique.” – Narrator

“In a world that values conformity, it takes courage to be different.” – Unknown