“Thank God for the good times that make us smile, and thank Him for the bad times that make us stronger.”

“In both good times and bad, thank God for the lessons learned and the growth experienced.”

“Thank God for the good times, for they are blessings to be cherished, and thank Him for the bad times, for they teach us resilience and perseverance.”

“A grateful heart thanks God for both the good and bad times, as they shape us into who we are meant to be.”

“In every season of life, thank God for His presence and guidance, whether in joy or in sorrow.”

“Bad times remind us of our need for God, while good times remind us of His faithfulness. Thank Him for both.”

“Thank God for the good times, but also thank Him for the bad times that reveal our true strength.”

“In times of prosperity, thank God for His blessings. In times of adversity, thank Him for His grace.”

“Thank God for the good times, and thank Him for the bad times that make the good times even sweeter.”

“We should thank God not only for the good times that make us content but also for the bad times that give us strength.”

“Both good and bad times are necessary for growth. Thank God for His wisdom in refining us through every experience.” QUOTES ABOUT ZION IN THE BIBLE

“Thank God for the joyous moments that light up our lives, and thank Him for the challenging times that shape our character.”

“Thank God for the good times that fill us with joy, and thank Him for the bad times that make us appreciate the good even more.”

“In times of abundance, thank God for His provision. In times of need, thank Him for His grace.”

“Thank God for the laughter and the tears, for the sunshine and the storms, as they all contribute to our personal growth.”

“Thank God for the good times that bring us happiness, and thank Him for the bad times that bring us wisdom.”

“In every circumstance, good or bad, thank God for His faithfulness and guidance on our journey.”

“Thank God for the good times that fuel our spirits, and thank Him for the tough times that ignite our determination.”

“Thank God for the blessings that make us grateful, and thank Him for the challenges that make us strong.”

“We should thank God not only for the good times that bring us joy but also for the bad times that mold us into better versions of ourselves.”

“In life’s ups and downs, thank God for the peaks that bring us joy and the valleys that teach us lessons.”