“You are enough, just as you are.”

“You are deserving of love and acceptance.”

“Believe in yourself, for you have great potential.”

“Have patience with yourself, you are a work in progress.”

“Choose self-compassion over self-criticism.”

“Your past does not define you, your future is full of possibilities.”

“Embrace your flaws, for they make you beautifully unique.”

“Take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.”

“Trust in your own abilities, you are capable of great things.”

“Remember to prioritize self-care, your well-being is important.”

“Speak kindly to yourself, your words have power.”

“Celebrate your victories, no matter how small.” END OF DAY QUOTES FUNNY

“Forgive yourself for past mistakes, you are only human.”

“Nurture yourself, just as you would nurture a loved one.”

“Allow yourself to grow and evolve, change is a natural part of life.”

“Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you offer to others.”

“You are resilient, you have overcome obstacles before and you will again.”

“Listen to your intuition, it knows what is best for you.”

“Take time to appreciate your own unique qualities and strengths.”

“Remember that self-love is not selfish, it is necessary for your well-being.”

“Cherish your own inner beauty, for it radiates from within.”

“You are worthy of love, from both yourself and others.”