“Don’t take someone for granted just because they are always there for you. Sometimes, people get tired of always being the one who gives their all.” – Unknown

“Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you. Don’t take them for granted.” – Unknown

“Never take someone’s love for granted. One day, someone will come along and appreciate what you didn’t.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is like assuming tomorrow will always come. Eventually, tomorrow becomes too late.” – Unknown

“Don’t take someone’s presence for granted, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is the quickest way to ruin a relationship, no matter how strong it once was.” – Unknown

“Don’t take someone for granted just because you know they’ll always be there. Appreciate them while they’re still by your side.” – Unknown

“One day, you’ll realize that you lost someone great because you took them for granted. Don’t let that be your biggest regret.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is a silent way of telling them they’re not important. Don’t let your actions speak louder than your words.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the power of someone who once loved you. Taking them for granted is a sure way of losing them.” – Unknown

“When you take someone for granted, their love starts to fade, and before you know it, they’re gone.” – Unknown FIRST THEY KILLED MY FATHER BOOK QUOTES

“Remember, people don’t always stay the same. Taking someone for granted may push them to change their feelings towards you.” – Unknown

“Don’t assume someone will always be there for you. Taking them for granted may push them away for good.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is like playing with fire. Eventually, you’ll get burned, and the flames may never be extinguished.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is like disregarding the beauty of a sunset. You might miss its magnificence until it’s too late.” – Unknown

“Appreciate the people who love you unconditionally. Once they are gone, you’ll realize how much you took them for granted.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is like assuming they’ll never get tired of giving, until they’re empty, and you’re left with nothing.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your ego blind you from realizing the worth of the people who care for you. Taking them for granted will only lead to regret.” – Unknown

“Taking someone for granted is like treating someone like a backup plan, until they decide they deserve better.” – Unknown

“Don’t wait until it’s too late to appreciate the love and effort someone gives you. Taking them for granted may be the biggest mistake of your life.” – Unknown