“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and trust that if it’s meant to be, it will work out.” – Unknown

“Taking risks in love means being vulnerable, but it also means experiencing the most profound moments of connection.” – Unknown

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

“Love is a risk. Always and forever.” – Unknown

“Without taking risks, you can’t truly experience the depth and breadth of a relationship.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you’ve got to take a risk to find the right person.” – Unknown

“The greatest risk in life is not taking risks in love.” – Unknown

“Love is worth the risk of being hurt.” – Unknown

“True love is found by taking risks, not by playing it safe.” – Unknown

“You have to take risks in love, because without them, you won’t know what you could have had.” – Unknown SAD AIRPORT GOODBYES QUOTES

“Leap into the unknown, take a chance, and believe that love will guide you.” – Unknown

“You have to be willing to get hurt to fall in love. Otherwise, you’ll only be tiptoeing around possibilities.” – Unknown

“Risking everything for love is the most courageous act one can take.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the biggest risks in life are the ones worth taking in love.” – Unknown

“You can’t find love without taking the risk of getting your heart broken.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to take risks in relationships; the rewards can be extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Love is a beautiful risk worth taking, even if it means losing control.” – Unknown

“By taking the risk to love, we discover the truest versions of ourselves.” – Unknown

“You’ll never know what love truly means until you’re willing to take risks for it.” – Unknown

“Relationships are built on trust, which requires taking risks and being vulnerable.” – Unknown