“The only thing harder than living is taking your own life.” – Unknown

“Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better.” – Unknown

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” – Dan Reynolds

“The person who completes suicide dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why?” – Clark Zlotchew

“Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain.” – David Conroy

“Suicide doesn’t take away the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.” – Unknown

“The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.” – Juliette Lewis

“Suicide is a whispering temptation, promising relief from unbearable pain.” – Unknown

“Just because someone is smiling doesn’t mean they are not struggling with their own demons.” – Unknown

“The pain that you feel today is the strength that you will feel tomorrow.” – Unknown

“Suicide is a permanent decision to a temporary problem.”- Phil McGraw MUPPET FAMILY CHRISTMAS QUOTES

“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis

“When it feels like you can’t go on, remind yourself that you’ve come too far to give up now.” – Unknown

“The world is full of survivors, but to truly live, you must find your reason.” – Unknown

“You are so much stronger than you think.” – Unknown

“Suicide leaves everyone wondering what they could have done differently.” – Unknown

“Reach out, tell someone what you’re feeling, and let them help you navigate the darkness.” – Unknown

“No matter how bad things are right now, they will get better. We can make it through.” – Unknown

“The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.” – John Green

“Your life matters more than you can ever imagine. Don’t let the darkness overshadow the potential for happiness and love.” – Unknown