“Faith is a receiving grace. We cannot originate it, for ‘faith is the gift of God’ (Ephesians 2:8).”

“Faith goes up the stairs that love built and looks out the windows that hope opened.”

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5

“Faith is the bow, the promise is the arrow, and hope is the string that draws it forth.”

“The ship of my life may be weathering the storm, but it is not sinking because it is built on the rock of God’s faithfulness.”

“God has not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God has not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God has promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trials, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love.”

“Just as an anchor keeps a ship steady in the stormy sea, trust in God keeps our souls steady amidst the storms of life.”

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods.”

“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”

“How sweet it is to trust in Jesus! Only by trusting in Him can we find true peace and joy in this troubled world.”

“Faith is like the eyeglasses that let us see the unseen world of God’s promises.”

“Faith is believing that even in the midst of the darkest storm, God is still in control.”

“When you trust in God, you don’t have to worry about the future, for He holds it in His hands.”

“Faith is not believing in spite of evidence, it is obeying in spite of consequence.” MOTIVATION QUOTES ABOUT INSPIRATION

“If God can be trusted with our eternal salvation, then surely He can be trusted with our present circumstances.”

“Faith is not a feeling, it is a choice to believe that God’s Word is true, regardless of how we may feel.”

“When we trust in God, He turns our fears into faith, our worries into worship, and our trials into triumphs.”

“Faith is not a blind leap into the unknown, but a confident step on the solid ground of God’s promises.”

“Trusting God means surrendering our will to His, knowing that He always has our best interest at heart.”

“Faith in God means that we trust His timing, even when ours is running out.”

“True faith is not the absence of doubt, but the presence of trust in spite of it.”

“God’s love for us is an anchor for our souls, a constant source of hope in the midst of life’s uncertainties.”

“When we trust in God’s sovereignty, we can rest in His plan, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.”

“Faith is not a magic formula for a trouble-free life, but a steady reliance on God’s wisdom and strength.”

“God’s faithfulness is greater than our doubts, His grace is greater than our failings, and His love is greater than our fears.”

“Trust in God’s character, not in your circumstances, for He is faithful and His promises never fail.”

“In every situation, let us trust in God’s wisdom, rest in His grace, and rejoice in His love.”