“A godly woman is a woman who seeks God’s will in every aspect of her life.” – Unknown

“Godly women are graceful, kind, and compassionate, leaving a positive impact on everyone they encounter.” – Unknown

“A godly woman knows that her true beauty lies in her character, not in her appearance.” – Unknown

“The strength of a godly woman comes from her relationship with God.” – Unknown

“A godly woman walks in faith, not in fear.” – Unknown

“Godly women are not perfect, but they strive to reflect Christ’s love and grace in all they do.” – Unknown

“Godly women are not easily shaken by life’s challenges; they trust in God’s plan.” – Unknown

“A godly woman knows that her worth is found in God’s love, not in the opinions of others.” – Unknown

“A godly woman surrenders her fears and worries to God, trusting that He will provide and guide her.” – Unknown

“Godly women put their trust in God’s timing, knowing that His plan is always perfect.” – Unknown

“A godly woman seeks wisdom from God’s Word and applies it to her daily life.” – Unknown

“Godly women are unafraid to stand up for what is right, even when it’s not popular.” – Unknown

“A godly woman’s beauty shines from within, reflecting the light of Christ.” – Unknown

“Godly women bring peace and joy to their families, creating a loving and nurturing environment.” – Unknown

“A godly woman’s strength comes from her faith in God, not from her own abilities.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT SHOWING UP FOR FRIENDS

“Godly women lift others up with encouraging words and actions, spreading love and kindness.” – Unknown

“A godly woman knows that her true worth comes from being a child of God, not from worldly achievements.” – Unknown

“Godly women live with an attitude of gratitude, seeing God’s blessings in every moment.” – Unknown

“A godly woman relies on God’s strength to face challenges, knowing that she is not alone.” – Unknown

“Godly women find joy in serving others, selflessly giving of themselves for the benefit of others.” – Unknown

“A godly woman’s hope rests in the promises of God, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill them.” – Unknown

“Godly women embrace their God-given purpose, using their gifts and talents to make a positive impact.” – Unknown

“A godly woman’s love is unconditional, mirroring God’s love for His children.” – Unknown

“Godly women radiate joy, even in the midst of life’s trials, because they know that God is working all things together for good.” – Unknown

“A godly woman’s legacy is not measured by wealth or worldly accomplishments, but by the lives she touched with her love and faith.” – Unknown

“Godly women walk in humility, knowing that all they have and all they are is because of God’s grace.” – Unknown

“A godly woman seeks to reflect Christ’s love in all her relationships, treating others with grace and forgiveness.” – Unknown

“Godly women find strength and fulfillment in their identity as daughters of the King, knowing that they are deeply loved and valued by Him.” – Unknown