“I am sorry for hurting you, my loved one. Please forgive me.”

“I regret my actions and the pain they caused you. I am truly sorry.”

“I never meant to hurt you. I am sorry for my mistakes.”

“I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the pain I have caused you.”

“I wish I could take back the hurt I caused. I am truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”

“My intentions were never to hurt you. I am deeply sorry for any harm I caused.”

“I am sorry for my words and actions that hurt you. Please believe that I never meant to cause you pain.”

“You deserve so much better than what I put you through. I am truly sorry.”

“I am sorry for not considering your feelings. Please know that I am truly remorseful.”

“I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me. Please forgive my absence.”

“I apologize for my selfishness. I failed to see how my actions would hurt you.” I WANT TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT BETWEEN US QUOTES

“I never wanted to see you cry, and I am sorry for the tears I caused.”

“I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, my love. Please know that I am working on becoming a better person.”

“I regret my behavior and the pain it caused you. I am deeply sorry for my actions.”

“I am sorry for not appreciating your love and taking it for granted. Please forgive my ungratefulness.”

“I apologize for my mistakes and for not valuing our relationship. You mean everything to me.”

“My actions were thoughtless, and I am sincerely sorry for disregarding your feelings.”

“I never realized the extent of my actions until I saw the pain in your eyes. I am truly sorry.”

“I am sorry for the pain I caused and the trust I shattered. I will do everything in my power to earn your forgiveness.”

“I apologize for my words that wounded you deeply. I will learn from this and strive to be better.”

“I am sorry for the hurtful things I said. Please know that I never truly meant them. I love you, and I am sincerely sorry.”