“I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the person you wanted me to be.” – Unknown

“Apologies don’t mean anything if you keep doing what you’re sorry for.” – Unknown

“The first step in any apology is to listen.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for the pain I caused, and I promise to learn from my mistakes.” – Unknown

“Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong; it means you value the relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for the tears I caused, but I’m more sorry for not being able to bring you happiness.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth. But it’s the cheapest and most effective way to save a relationship.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for all the times my pride got in the way of our love.” – Unknown

“An apology is a good way to have the last word.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for my mistakes, but I hope we can find a way to move forward together.” – Unknown

“Apologies don’t fix broken hearts, but they can start the healing process.” – Unknown BEAUTY MOON QUOTES

“I’m sorry for all the mixed signals, misunderstandings, and confusion. I never wanted to hurt you.” – Unknown

“I apologize for being stubborn and letting our arguments escalate. I promise to work on my communication skills.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, we don’t say sorry because we fear losing the person; but in reality, we lose them because we don’t apologize.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for the pain I caused. I wish I could turn back time and make things right.” – Unknown

“Apologies are not meant to change the past; they’re meant to shape the future.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for my part in the downfall of our relationship. I will learn from this and grow as a person.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry if my actions ever made you doubt my love for you. You mean the world to me.” – Unknown

“A sincere apology has three parts: I’m sorry, it’s my fault, and what can I do to make it right?” – Unknown

“I’m sorry for hurting you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” – Unknown

“Apologies don’t mean much without changed behavior.” – Unknown