“If only we could turn back time and undo our mistakes.” – Unknown

“Regret is the longing to change the past; hope is the wish to change the future.” – Unknown

“The past cannot be changed, but the future is yet in your power.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, going back in time is the best way to move forward.” – Unknown

“If there was a way to turn back time, I would undo all the pain and hurt.” – Unknown

“There are moments in life when I wish I could press rewind and relive the past.” – Unknown

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.” – Unknown

“Going back in time won’t change anything, but it may provide the closure we seek.” – Unknown

“The beauty of life is in its imperfections; going back in time would erase those lessons.” – Unknown

“Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that makes us yearn for the past.” – Unknown

“The past is always there, but the future is where you can create change.” – Unknown

“Lost time is never found again; cherish the present and create a better future.” – Unknown MTB QUOTES FUNNY

“Sometimes, realizing what’s in front of us is more important than longing for what’s behind.” – Unknown

“Time flows in one direction; embrace the present and create a future worth remembering.” – Unknown

“We can’t change the past, but we can shape our future.” – Unknown

“Going back in time can give us closure, but it’s the present that brings us peace.” – Unknown

“The past is a reminder of who we were; the future is an opportunity to become who we want to be.” – Unknown

“Reflect on the past, learn from it, and use that knowledge to shape a better future.” – Unknown

“Hoping to go back in time is a futile endeavor; instead, focus on making the most of the present.” – Unknown

“Regrets are a painful reminder of past mistakes, but they can also motivate us to grow and change.” – Unknown

“Don’t dwell in the past; instead, learn from it and move forward.” – Unknown

“The true power lies in accepting our past and using it to shape a brighter future.” – Unknown