“I’m not a nun, I’m a master of passive aggression.”

“I have a confession to make: I have no interest in your personal lives.”

“I am a person of few words, but many sharp looks.”

“You can throw as much shade as you like, but I’ll always shade back.”

“I didn’t choose the sister life, the sister life chose me.”

“There’s nothing that a cup of tea can’t solve, except for maybe your terrible life decisions.”

“I may look like a sweet old lady, but I’ve got more sass than you can handle.”

“If sarcasm was a crime, I’d be doing life without parole.”

“I’m not here to hold your hand, I’m here to get the job done.”

“I have zero tolerance for stupidity, so consider yourself warned.”

“It’s called tough love, darling. You’re welcome.”

“I have a PhD in sassology.”

“If you can’t handle the heat, get out of my classroom.”

“The only thing scarier than me is my disappointment in you.” SAD SAD LOVE QUOTES

“I may be old, but I’ve got enough attitude to last a lifetime.”

“Don’t mistake my sarcasm for a lack of intelligence.”

“I may be a sister, but I’m nobody’s pushover.”

“I don’t sugarcoat anything, especially the truth.”

“I’m not here to win any popularity contests, just to educate and intimidate.”

“I’m like a fine wine, I only get sassier with age.”

“I’ve got a black belt in sarcasm, so watch out.”

“If you need a reality check, I’m your go-to nun.”

“I’ve seen it all, and trust me, your drama is nothing new.”

“I’m not afraid to speak my mind, even if it means hurting your fragile ego.”

“I’m not mean, you’re just too sensitive.”

“Life’s too short to waste time on idiots.”

“I’m not a saint, but I’ll take you to church with my wit.”