Here are 22 funny quotes from Sid the Sloth:

“You know what they say, ‘Hakuna Matata,’ it means ‘no worries,’ and ‘no worries’ means you’re not worried about paying your bills, and I’m broke!”

“I’m not lazy. I’m just conserving energy.”

“I’m not fat. I’m just a little horizontally challenged.”

“I’m not slow, I’m doing everything in slo-mo.”

“I don’t snore, I dream I’m a motorcycle.”

“I may be slow, but at least I’m moving forward… sometimes.”

“I’m not clumsy. The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way.”

“I don’t need a therapist, I have my own little imaginary world.”

“I’m not short, I’m fun-sized.”

“I’m not a morning person. Actually, I’m not even an afternoon person. I’m more of a ‘whenever I feel like it’ person.”

“I don’t need a sign that says ‘caution.’ My face does that job already.” FOURTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“I may be ugly, but at least I’m funny. Wait, scratch that. I’m just ugly.”

“I don’t need a six-pack. I prefer the whole keg.”

“I’m not old. I’m just vintage!”

“I don’t need to walk a mile in your shoes. I have my own fabulous shoes to walk in.”

“I tried to lose weight once, but it was a piece of cake… actually, a whole cake.”

“I’m not forgetful. I just have selective memory.”

“I may not be a skilled hunter, but I’m great at catching TV remote batteries with my paws.”

“I’m not a risk-taker. I’m more of a ‘curl up in a ball and hope for the best’ kind of sloth.”

“I’ve mastered the art of sleeping with my eyes open. It’s called ‘being alert in my dreams.’”

“I might not be athletic, but I’m a pro at taking naps while watching sports.”

“Life is like a rubber band for me. I’m either too relaxed or about to snap!”