“Stay true to yourself, because there are very few people who will always be true to you.”

“Fake friends are like shadows. They’re there in your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen during your darkest.”

“Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.”

“Be careful who you trust. Even salt looks like sugar.”

“Fake people have a radar for finding truth, but unfortunately, only when it serves their interests.”

“Fake people have an image to portray. Real people just go with the flow.”

“Fake people are like autumn leaves. They’re beautiful until they fall off the tree.”

“Surround yourself with only those who lift you higher, not those who drag you down with their fake presence.”

“Fake people eventually reveal their true colors. So, keep watching and always trust your own instincts.”

“Fake people are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a brighter day.”

“Fake people always expect others to be real, but they themselves hide behind a mask.”

“Fake people may have perfect smiles, but they can never have a genuine heart.” FUNNY TARZAN QUOTES

“Real friends are like diamonds, valuable and rare. Fake friends are like autumn leaves, found everywhere.”

“The only thing worse than a fake person is a genuine one pretending to be fake.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to impress fake people. Be yourself and attract the genuine ones.”

“Fake people have a way of distorting reality, so always stay grounded in your own truth.”

“Fake people crave attention, while real people earn respect.”

“Fake people enjoy temporary popularity, but real people build lasting relationships.”

“Surround yourself with genuine people. Fake friends are like shadows, they disappear when the sun shines.”

“Fake people can only pretend for so long before their masks start to slip.”

“Don’t be fooled by a fake smile. Some people wear it as a disguise to hide their true intentions.”

“Fake people thrive on gossip and drama, while real people focus on growth and positivity.”