“Silence is golden, unless you have children. Then, silence is suspicious.”

“Speak only if it improves upon the silence.”

“The power of words is often overshadowed by the beauty of silence.”

“Sometimes the most powerful response is no response at all.”

“A wise man once said nothing at all.”

“In the midst of chaos, find solace in silence.”

“The best advice often comes in the form of silence.”

“Be silent and let your success speak for itself.”

“In silence, we find clarity and a deeper understanding of ourselves.”

“Don’t waste your words on those who won’t appreciate them.”

“When words fail, silence speaks volumes.”

“Learn to communicate without saying a word.”

“Sometimes the best conversations happen in silence.”

“Silence is the most powerful weapon against unnecessary drama.”

“A moment of silence can say more than a thousand words.” FEELING VERY SAD AND LONELY QUOTES

“Silence can be a gift, embrace it.”

“It’s okay to keep your thoughts to yourself, not everything needs to be said.”

“Words have the power to heal or hurt – choose them wisely.”

“The truest words are often spoken in silence.”

“Don’t let idle chatter drown the beauty of silence.”

“Silence is a friend who never betrays.”

“Spend more time listening, less time speaking.”

“The most meaningful conversations happen without saying a word.”

“When in doubt, keep your mouth shut and let silence guide you.”

“Don’t break the silence unless you can improve it.”

“Silence speaks louder than empty words.”

“Be still and listen; the universe has much to say in silence.”

“Silence is the language of the soul.”