“I never thought the day would come when staying in my pajamas all day would be socially acceptable.”

“I’m not self-isolating, I’m just practicing my introvert skills.”

“I finally have an excuse to cancel plans without feeling guilty – thank you, self-isolation!”

“I can’t remember the last time I washed my hands this much, my skin is starting to feel like a desert.”

“I used to avoid people, now I’m avoiding them even more – I’ve become a professional avoider.”

“They say time flies when you’re having fun, but apparently, it also flies when you’re bored in self-isolation.”

“If only my math skills were as good as my social distancing skills – I’d be a genius by now.”

“Self-isolation has turned me into a master chef – my specialty is creating gourmet meals out of random pantry items.”

“I never realized how much I talk to myself until self-isolation.”

“I’m starting to question whether my pets are tired of me being around all the time.”

“Self-isolation has me on a journey to discover how many movies and TV shows one person can watch in a day.”

“Trying to have a ‘work-life’ balance during self-isolation is like trying to find a unicorn – it’s a myth.”

“I’ve become an expert napper during self-isolation – I can do it with my eyes closed.” RAINY DAY TANNING QUOTES

“I’ve discovered that my true talent lies in pushing the boundaries of laziness during self-isolation.”

“I’ve gone from having FOMO to having FOGO (Fear of Going Outside).”

“Self-isolation has turned my bed into both my best friend and my worst enemy.”

“If my isolation were an outfit, it would be a onesie – comfortable, but lacking any fashion sense.”

“Pretending to have Zoom meetings just to avoid social interaction – self-isolation life hacks.”

“I finally have the time to rearrange my wardrobe, even though nobody will see it in self-isolation.”

“Self-isolation has been a great opportunity to perfect my ‘don’t touch your face’ dance moves.”

“Becoming a pro at social distancing, but an amateur at remembering what day it is.”

“Self-isolation is like an ongoing episode of ‘Chopped’ – can I make a meal out of these random ingredients?”

“My screen time report is reaching record-breaking levels during self-isolation – my phone is concerned.”

“I thought I’d have time for all those DIY projects during self-isolation, turns out sleeping is my DIY project.”