“The greatest battles we face are the ones within ourselves.” – Unknown

“The real battle is not between good and evil, but between having a self and not having one.” – Thomas Merton

“Sometimes our biggest enemy is ourselves.” – Unknown

“The devil is not some external force, but the darkness that resides within our own hearts.” – Unknown

“We often become slaves to the demons we create within ourselves.” – Unknown

“Our own self-doubt can be the devil that holds us back from achieving greatness.” – Unknown

“The devil whispered in my ear, ‘You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.’ Today, I whispered in the devil’s ear, ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown

“The devil is not in the details, but in the doubts that creep into our minds.” – Unknown

“Our self-destructive habits are the devil’s playground.” – Unknown

“Beware the silent whispers of self-deception, for they are the devil’s favorite weapon.” – Unknown

“The devil can’t make you do anything, but he can certainly persuade you.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the devil on your shoulder drown out the angel on the other.” – Unknown WALL DECALS QUOTES INSPIRATIONAL

“The devil’s greatest trick is convincing us that he doesn’t exist.” – Unknown

“The self-doubt that whispers ‘you can’t’ is the devil’s way of keeping you small.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the devil we know is better than the self we are afraid to become.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the devil trick you into believing that you are unworthy of love and happiness.” – Unknown

“The devil tempts us with our own desires and weaknesses.” – Unknown

“The greatest weapon against the devil is a strong sense of self-worth.” – Unknown

“When you believe in yourself, the devil has no power over you.” – Unknown

“Our self-destructive choices pave the path to the devil’s lair.” – Unknown

“The devil preys on our fears and insecurities, but true strength comes from self-acceptance.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the devil control your thoughts; instead, empower yourself with positive affirmations.” – Unknown