“I’m the center of my universe, and everything revolves around me.”

“I don’t need anyone else because I am my own source of happiness.”

“I’m too busy being fabulous to care about anyone else’s problems.”

“I’m the star of my own show, and everyone else is just a supporting character.”

“I’m a rare gem, and not everyone can handle my brilliance.”

“My opinions are the only ones that matter because I’m always right.”

“I’m the most important person in any room I walk into.”

“I’m too incredible to be bothered by anyone else’s opinions.”

“I deserve all the attention because I am extraordinary.”

“I know I’m self-centered, and I’m proud of it.”

“I have no time for average people because I’m exceptional.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES SELF

“I don’t settle for anything less than perfection because I deserve the best.”

“I’m too important to waste my time on insignificant things.”

“I’m too fabulous to be ignored or forgotten.”

“I always put myself first because no one else will.”

“I’m the center of attention wherever I go, and I thrive on it.”

“I don’t need validation from others because I believe in myself.”

“I’m so amazing that people should be grateful to know me.”

“I’m the best version of myself, and that’s all that matters.”

“I’m the master of my own destiny, and I call all the shots.”