“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

“Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.”

“The only way to win with your enemies is to love them unconditionally.”

“If you do not find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.”

“Turn the senses inward and plunge into your inner self.”

“The heart that loves is always young.”

“Be a witness to your thoughts and emotions without getting entangled in them.”

“The true joy in life is in giving selflessly without expecting anything in return.”

“Do not judge others, for their paths may be different from yours.”

“Let go of attachments, for they are the root cause of suffering.”

“True wisdom lies in realizing that you know nothing.”

“Live in the present moment, for it is all you have.”

“There is no need to search for God, for He is always within you.”

“The greatest gift you can give others is your presence.”

“Be a source of positivity and love, and watch how your life transforms.” TINY POSITIVE QUOTES

“The universe is a reflection of your own consciousness.”

“Acceptance is the key to inner peace.”

“True love knows no boundaries.”

“Do not be afraid to face your fears, for they are nothing but illusions.”

“Serve others without any expectations, and you will experience true bliss.”

“Silence the mind and listen to the wisdom that comes from within.”

“Let go of the need to control everything, and trust in the divine plan.”

“The purpose of life is to realize your true self and merge with the universe.”

“Life is a journey, enjoy each step along the way.”

“Happiness is not found in external circumstances, but within yourself.”

“Forgiveness is the key to letting go of the past and finding true freedom.”

“Live with gratitude, for it opens the doors to abundance and joy.”

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”