“I’m so tired of being tired.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, you just need a break, in a beautiful place, alone, to figure everything out.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of trying, sick of crying, I know I’ve been smiling, but inside I’m dying.” – Unknown

“I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of fighting. For once, I want to be fought for.” – Unknown

“I miss the person I used to be.” – Unknown

“Tired of feeling stuck? Learn to let go and trust that life will unfold the way it needs to.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of being strong. Sometimes, I just want to be weak and let someone else take care of me.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of pretending that I’m okay when I’m not.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of getting my hopes up for things that will never happen.” – Unknown

“I’m so tired of feeling empty.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of caring for people who don’t care about me.” – Unknown BRIDE FEELING QUOTES

“I’m exhausted from pretending that everything is fine.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of being taken for granted.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of giving my all to people who don’t appreciate it.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of feeling like a burden to everyone.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of trying to fit into a world that doesn’t accept me for who I am.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of feeling alone in a crowded room.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of fighting battles that no one knows about.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of caring too much about people who don’t care enough about me.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of feeling like I’m not enough.” – Unknown

“I’m tired of waiting for something that may never happen.” – Unknown