“I constantly have this overwhelming feeling that I’m not good enough for anything or anyone.”

“No matter how much I try, I always feel inadequate and not good enough.”

“I’m tired of feeling like I’ll never measure up. It’s exhausting not being good enough.”

“Sometimes, the hardest part is realizing that you’re not good enough for the one you love.”

“It’s painful to accept that no matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough in their eyes.”

“I wish I could be someone whose worth is not defined by how good they are at something.”

“I’m haunted by the thought that I’m not good enough for anyone to truly love me.”

“Being constantly reminded that I’m not good enough crushes my soul.”

“I’ve grown so used to feeling inadequate that it’s become a part of who I am.”

“No matter how hard I try, I always feel like I’m falling short and not good enough.”

“There’s an emptiness that comes from believing you’re not good enough for anyone.”

“I’m tired of feeling like a disappointment, always questioning if I’m good enough.”

“Not being enough for someone makes you question your worth in every aspect of life.” PRINCESS DIANA FUNNY QUOTES

“No matter how many achievements I rack up, deep down, I still feel not good enough.”

“The thought of never measuring up to society’s standards is suffocating.”

“I keep searching for validation, hoping to prove to myself that I’m good enough.”

“Sometimes, it feels like I’m constantly proving my worth to others, but never to myself.”

“The hardest part about not being good enough is the fear of losing those you cherish.”

“It’s heartbreaking to accept that no matter how much I do, it’ll never be good enough.”

“I wish I could silence the voice in my head that constantly reminds me I’m not good enough.”

“My self-esteem takes hit after hit, always confirming that I’ll never be enough.”

“Not being good enough feels like a weight that keeps dragging me down.”

“I long for the day when I’ll believe that I’m deserving and truly good enough.”

“Deep down, I know that not being good enough is just a lie I’ve convinced myself of, but it’s hard to move past it.”