“Sometimes good things come to an end so better things can fall into place.”

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

“The hardest part about letting go is realizing that the other person already did.”

“It hurts to say goodbye to someone you love, but it’s even more painful when they don’t fight for you to stay.”

“When something ends, it just means something better is about to begin.”

“I never wanted it to end, but now I have to accept that it’s over.”

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left.”

“Closure sometimes comes years later when you finally realize it’s over and that was the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“Every ending is a new beginning, but what if the pain of the ending lingers on?”

“Starting over is the hardest part, but it’s the only way to find something better.”

“Sometimes endings bring sadness, but they also bring new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.”

“It’s hard to admit it’s over when all you wanted was forever.”

“It’s okay to be sad that it’s over; just remember that it’s not the end of your story.” RE READING BOOKS QUOTES

“The most painful goodbyes are the ones that never really happened, but you knew deep down they were over.”

“You were my favorite ‘hello’ and my hardest ‘goodbye.'”

“Maybe it’s not about the duration of the relationship, but the quality of the memories created.”

“Closure doesn’t always come from a conversation; sometimes, it comes from accepting it’s over and moving forward.”

“The saddest part about an ending is the fear of losing the memories that were once so precious.”

“Sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go.”

“The pain of endings is necessary for us to appreciate the beauty of new beginnings.”

“The decision to let go is never easy, but sometimes it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves.”

“It’s hard to accept that it’s over when you remember all the promises made and dreams shared.”

“Even the darkest nights will end, and the sun will rise again.”

“It’s okay to grieve for something that has ended; it just shows how much it meant to you.”

“It’s not about forgetting the past; it’s about learning from it and creating a better future.”