“A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.”

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy each other’s differences.”

“Marriage is not about finding the right person, but about becoming the right person.”

“To love is not just a feeling, but a decision to commit to someone every single day.”

“The best thing a husband can give his wife is his time, attention, and love.”

“Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you,’ but how much you prove it’s true.”

“A healthy marriage is a partnership built on love, trust, and respect.”

“A good marriage is one where both partners feel like they are getting the better end of the deal.”

“The ultimate goal of marriage is not to think alike, but to think together.”

“A strong marriage is built on a foundation of laughter, love, and faith.”

“Marriage is a journey, not a destination. It requires effort, patience, and compromise.”

“The best kind of love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing who you really are.”

“A successful marriage is built on small acts of kindness, forgiveness, and understanding.”

“Love is not about finding the person you can live with, but finding the person you can’t live without.”

“Marriage is not just about two people sharing a life, but about two souls becoming one.” BEST BOOK QUOTES ABOUT THE BEACH

“The strongest marriages are those that have weathered the storms together, and come out even stronger.”

“In a good marriage, love is a verb, not just a feeling.”

“A loving marriage is one in which both partners are willing to put in the effort and work on themselves for the sake of the relationship.”

“Marriage is not about finding perfection in each other, but about embracing each other’s imperfections.”

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy each other’s differences.”

“The greatest strength of a marriage is not in the absence of conflict, but in the ability to resolve it.”

“In marriage, it’s not about who’s right or wrong, but about finding common ground and compromising for the greater good.”

“A strong marriage is built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and communication.”

“In a good marriage, both partners understand that their love for each other is more important than being right.”

“A successful marriage doesn’t require a perfect couple, it requires two imperfect people who are willing to work on their differences.”

“Marriage is the union of two imperfect souls who choose to love each other despite their flaws.”

“The best kind of love is the one that grows stronger with time and overcomes any obstacle.”

“A happy marriage is a partnership where both partners genuinely support and uplift each other.”

“Husband and wife need to become best friends in order to truly understand and appreciate each other.”