“The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.” – Neale Donald Walsch

“The purpose of a relationship is to help each other grow, to be more than you could be on your own, and to bring out the best in each other.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is not to have someone who makes you happy all the time, but to have someone who can share your sadness and make you feel better in the darkest moments.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to be a source of support, love, and companionship. It is a place where you can be yourself, be loved, and love in return.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to build each other up, to inspire one another, and to help each other become the best version of yourselves.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to learn from each other, to grow together, and to create a meaningful and fulfilling life together.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to share your life with, to create memories together, and to build a future with.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who understands you, accepts you for who you are, and loves you unconditionally.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who challenges you, pushes you to be better, and supports your dreams and goals.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to lean on, to rely on, and to trust wholeheartedly.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who brings out the best in you, inspires you to be a better person, and helps you grow.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who makes you feel safe, loved, and cared for.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to share your joys, sorrows, and everything in between.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who supports you in your endeavors, who believes in you, and who cheers you on.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES FOR MENTAL ILLNESS

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who accepts your flaws, celebrates your strengths, and loves you unconditionally.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to create a lifetime of memories with, to build a beautiful journey together.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who makes you laugh, who brings happiness into your life, and who brings out the best in you.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to share your dreams and aspirations with, to support each other’s growth, and to achieve greatness together.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who understands and accepts your past, cherishes your present, and envisions a future with you.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who makes your heart skip a beat, who makes you feel alive, and who gives your life meaning.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to lean on, to rely on, and to trust wholeheartedly.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who accepts you for who you are, supports your growth, and loves all the beautiful and messy parts of you.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to share your hopes, dreams, fears, and insecurities with, to be vulnerable and build trust.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who makes you feel like you matter, like you are seen, and like you are loved unconditionally.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone who brings out the best in you, challenges you to grow, and supports your journey of self-discovery.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a relationship is to have someone to weather life’s storms with, to hold your hand through the ups and downs, and to be a constant presence in your life.” – Unknown