“The greatest tragedy is not death, but a life lived without purpose.”

“Sometimes, the person who broke you is the only one who can heal you.”

“The hardest part about walking away from someone is knowing that they won’t run after you.”

“It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.”

“Tears are words that the heart can’t express.”

“You’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness.”

“I wish I could go back to a time when happiness was simple. When all it took was ice cream and a kiss to make everything better.”

“A broken heart is the loneliest thing in the world.”

“One of the saddest things in life is saying goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with.”

“It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel lost. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to not be okay.”

“A thousand words couldn’t bring you back, I know because I’ve tried. Neither could a thousand tears, I know because I’ve cried.”

“The pain of missing a person is nothing compared to the pain of knowing they don’t miss you back.”

“Sometimes you have to let go of the person you love to find the person you deserve.”

“They say time heals all wounds, but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.”

“It’s not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow.” PURE HEART SOUL QUOTES

“It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.”

“Losing you is like losing part of myself, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be whole again.”

“Some people are just not meant to be in your life, no matter how much you want them to be.”

“The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.”

“They say love is blind, but heartbreak has perfect vision.”

“I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question.”

“Sometimes, the more chances you give, the more respect you lose.”

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

“The saddest part is not that I’ve lost you, but that I lost myself in the process.”

“The saddest people are the ones who always smile the brightest.”

“It hurts to watch the person you love love someone else.”

“I didn’t stop loving you, I just learned to live without you.”

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth suffering for.”

“Sometimes, the tears that fall are the only way your eyes can speak when your lips can’t explain how broken your heart is.”