“Yup, another day ruined by rain. Thanks, weatherman!”

“Rain, rain, go away. Come again when I’m on vacation.”

“Dear rain, I don’t mind you falling, just pick a better time, please!”

“I can’t seem to find my umbrella, but I can find plenty of reasons to dislike rain!”

“Rain, rain, go away. I’m already wet inside from all the tears of frustration.”

“Rain, rain, go away. I’m in desperate need of some sunshine and pool days!”

“Rain, you’re like that uninvited guest who never knows when to leave!”

“Rain, rain, go away. I’m tired of exercising my jumping-over-puddles skills.”

“Rain, why can’t you be more considerate and only fall on Mondays when I’m already feeling miserable?”

“I have a love-hate relationship with rain. I love to complain about it, but I hate being wet!”

“Rain, rain, go away. I don’t need you to provide me with a free car wash!”

“Dear rain, I appreciate your contribution to the ecosystem, but can you please contribute somewhere else for now?”

“Rain, you must be a professional at ruining outdoor plans.”

“Rain, rain, go away. My hair can’t handle any more bad hair days!”

“Why does rain always seem to follow me? Is there a cloud with my name on it?” MOTHERS POEMS AND QUOTES

“Rain, you’re like that annoying song stuck in my head. Can you please stop playing on repeat?”

“Rain, you seem to have a personal vendetta against my good mood.”

“I plead with you, rain, just for one day, can you disappear like my motivation at work?”

“Rain, I have a request: wash away my responsibilities instead of my plans.”

“Rain, you’re like that friend who cancels last minute. Thanks for bailing on my outdoor plans again!”

“Rain, I’m not sure if you’re trying to be poetic or just plain annoying.”

“Dear rain, did you forget the memo that it’s summertime? Can you please go on a vacation as well?”

“Rain, I give you credit for making everyone appreciate the sunshine a little more.”

“Rain, you’re like a bad magic trick – you appear without warning and ruin everything in sight!”

“Rain, you have the amazing ability to turn any sidewalk into a slip-and-slide!”

“Rain, you’re like that unwanted guest who doesn’t understand social cues. Can you please just leave?”

“Rain, you always manage to make my hair do the exact opposite of what I want it to.”

“Dear rain, can you please cooperate and stay away from all the festivals and outdoor events I actually want to attend?”

“Rain, I know water is essential for life, but couldn’t you be a little less essential right now?”