“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” – Langston Hughes

“I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves.” – Amy Purdy

“The rain is falling, my heart is calling for you, my love. I can’t help but feel this way when it rains.” – Unknown

“Raindrops are like kisses from heaven, nourishing the earth and soothing the soul.” – Unknown

“I love you like the rain loves the earth, showering it with pure affection and bringing life to every corner.” – Unknown

“Rainy days make me appreciate the warmth of your love even more, as it brings comfort to my heart.” – Unknown

“I love dancing in the rain because it reminds me of the freedom and joy I feel when I’m with you.” – Unknown

“Love is like rain; it can be gentle and refreshing or strong and passionate, but it always leaves a lasting impact.” – Unknown

“The rain falls gently, just like my love for you. It may not always be visible, but it’s always there, silently nourishing our connection.” – Unknown

“Rainy days are perfect for cuddling with you, feeling the warmth of your love as it cascades around me.” – Unknown

“Just like raindrops merge to create a river, our love combines to form an unbreakable bond.” – Unknown FUNNY SHORT HIKING QUOTES

“In the rain, I find solace, and in your love, I find peace.” – Unknown

“Rainy days may be gloomy, but they’re perfect for cozy moments with the one you love.” – Unknown

“When it rains, I feel your love surrounding me, washing away any worries or sorrows.” – Unknown

“The rain reminds me of your love, always showering me with affection and making everything feel fresh and new.” – Unknown

“Raindrops are like love; they can nourish the soul and make everything beautiful.” – Unknown

“The rain symbolizes the cleansing power of love, washing away our fears and replenishing our spirits.” – Unknown

“Love is like rain – unpredictable, sometimes gentle and other times fierce, but always essential for growth.” – Unknown

“Rain or shine, my love for you remains constant and unwavering.” – Unknown

“The rain is a reminder that love can be both gentle and powerful, just like nature itself.” – Unknown

“I love the rain because it reminds me of the pure and unconditional love I have for you.” – Unknown