“Excuses are lies we tell ourselves to justify not taking action.” – Unknown

“Stop making excuses and start making progress.” – Unknown

“Success requires effort, not excuses.” – Unknown

“Don’t let excuses hold you back from reaching your goals.” – Unknown

“Excuses are barriers to success, eliminate them and achieve greatness.” – Unknown

“Instead of complaining, find solutions.” – Unknown

“Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity won’t.” – Unknown

“Don’t make excuses, make it happen.” – Unknown

“Your success or failure is determined by the choices you make, not the excuses you give.” – Unknown

“Excuses won’t change your situation; only action will.” – Unknown

“Every excuse is a missed opportunity for growth and improvement.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste time on excuses when you could be working towards your goals.” – Unknown

“A mind focused on excuses will never achieve greatness.” – Unknown WHEN MY HEART IS BROKEN QUOTES

“Success is achieved by those who stop making excuses and start making things happen.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the enemy of progress.” – Unknown

“If you want it, work for it. Excuses won’t make it happen.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the crutch of the weak, embrace responsibility and take control.” – Unknown

“No more excuses, it’s time for action.” – Unknown

“Excuses are roadblocks on the path to success. Remove them and move forward.” – Unknown

“Take ownership of your actions and stop blaming others.” – Unknown

“Failure will always be an option if you keep making excuses.” – Unknown

“Excuses are self-imposed limitations that hinder personal growth.” – Unknown

“You can make excuses or you can make progress, but you can’t make both.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the enemy of achievement. Eliminate them and thrive.” – Unknown

“Stop making excuses and start making your dreams a reality.” – Unknown