“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” – Oscar Wilde

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” – Unknown

“Selfish individuals prioritize their own desires above the needs of others in relationships.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is the destroyer of relationships, as it breeds resentment and fosters discontent.” – Unknown

“Relationships thrive on mutual respect and consideration, not on selfishness and indifference.” – Unknown

“Selfish people may temporarily gain satisfaction, but they ultimately lose the love and support of those around them.” – Unknown

“A selfish partner constantly puts their own needs and desires before the needs of their partner.” – Unknown

“If someone only cares about their own happiness in a relationship, it’s a clear sign of their selfishness.” – Unknown

“A relationship cannot flourish when it is rooted in selfishness; it needs selflessness and compromise to grow.” – Unknown

“Selfishness kills the essence of love, as it focuses solely on one’s own needs, dismissing the importance of their partner’s feelings.” – Unknown

“Selfish people see relationships as a means to fulfill their own needs, without considering the needs of their partner.” – Unknown

“True love is selfless, while selfishness only seeks personal gain in relationships.” – Unknown

“Selfishness breeds resentment and erodes the trust and vulnerability that healthy relationships require.” – Unknown FEELING HURT LOVE QUOTES

“Relationships require effort, compromise, and selflessness. Selfish people often lack the necessary qualities for a successful partnership.” – Unknown

“Selfish individuals tend to prioritize their own happiness at the expense of their partner’s well-being.” – Unknown

“Selfishness in relationships can lead to toxic dynamics, where one person dominates and controls the other.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is like a poison that slowly destroys the foundation of a healthy relationship.” – Unknown

“Selfish individuals are often unable to provide the emotional support and care that their partner needs.” – Unknown

“A relationship should be a team effort, not a one-sided affair driven by selfishness.” – Unknown

“Selfish people in relationships constantly seek validation and attention, disregarding their partner’s emotional needs.” – Unknown

“True love involves putting your partner’s needs before your own, whereas selfishness does the opposite.” – Unknown

“A selfish partner seldom recognizes that their actions impact their loved one’s happiness and well-being.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is a significant obstacle in building and maintaining a healthy, fulfilling relationship.” – Unknown

“A selfish person in a relationship primarily focuses on what they can gain, often neglecting the needs and desires of their partner.” – Unknown