“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

“Here’s Johnny!”

“Heeeere’s Johnny!”

“I’m just big, that’s all. Thick-necked, big-jawed, big-brained.”

“Wendy, I’m home.”

“White man’s burden, Lloyd, my man. White man’s burden.”

“The little boy that lives in my mouth.”

“I’m not gonna hurt ya. I’m just gonna bash your brains in.”

“I’m the caretaker. I’ve always been the caretaker.”

“God, I’d give anything for a drink. I’d give my goddamned soul for just a glass of beer.”

“Here comes Danny!”

“I said I’m not gonna hurt ya. I’m just gonna bash your brains in.”

“The world’s a hungry place, a dangerous place.”

“Some places are like people: some shine and some don’t.”

“Lloyd, my man. I believe I’d like a drink.” TALKING TO SOMEONE SPECIAL QUOTES

“Great party, isn’t it?”

“You’ve always been the caretaker.”

“It’s like there’s something in the hotel that… wakes them up.”

“Your money’s no good here.”

“I corrected them, sir. They were in error.”

“Danny isn’t here, Mrs. Torrance.”

“All I can say is, they didn’t merely cook my goose — they medium-well done-ified it.”

“The roque mallet slips sometimes.”

“Redrum! Redrum!”

“Feeling okay this morning?”

“I’m sorry to differ with you, sir, but you are the caretaker. You’ve always been the caretaker. I should know, sir. I’ve always been here.”

“It’s just a bunch of poor people killing each other.”

“I’m awfully glad you asked me that, Lloyd. Because I just happen to have two twenties and two tens right here in my wallet.”