“Love is the poetry of the senses.” – HonorĂ© de Balzac

“Love is the voice under all silences.” – e.e. cummings

“Love is the whole and more than all.” – Emily Dickinson

“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” – William Shakespeare

“Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” – Robert Frost

“Love is the crowning virtue of humanity.” – William Wordsworth

“Love is the emblem of eternity.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley

“Love is the beauty of the soul.” – Saint Augustine

“Love is the only gold.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Love is like a flower, it blossoms in the heart.” – Rumi QUOTES ABOUT SELF TAGALOG

“Love is the greatest refreshment in life.” – Pablo Neruda

“Love is the most powerful truth in the universe.” – Sylvia Plath

“Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.” – Voltaire

“Love is a game that two can play and both can win.” – Eva Gabor

“Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” – John Lennon

“Love is the poetry of the heart.” – Byron Caldwell Smith

“Love is a wild bird that no one can tame.” – Jean Anouilh

“Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Love is like a friendship caught on fire.” – Bruce Lee