“Betrayal can only happen if you love.” – John Le CarrĂ©

“It’s painful to see someone you love betraying your trust.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who never betrays you, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but from those you trust the most.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is like a snake bite, it leaves a venomous mark that is hard to forget.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the ultimate stab in the back from someone you thought had your back.” – Unknown

“A true friend would never break your trust, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the ultimate heartbreak, especially when it comes from someone you considered your closest friend.” – Unknown

“Friendship without trust is like a flower without petals, it’s not complete.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is like a storm that tears apart the fabric of a friendship.” – Unknown

“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a deep wound that leaves a scar on the soul.” – Unknown

“You can’t expect loyalty from someone who never learned the meaning of trust.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is an act of cowardice, not strength.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a dagger to the heart that leaves you bleeding from the inside.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the ultimate test of friendship.” – Unknown TRUST AND SELF RESPECT QUOTES

“Trust is the foundation of any healthy friendship, without it, everything crumbles.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the extinguisher of friendship’s flame.” – Unknown

“When you betray someone’s trust, you betray the essence of friendship itself.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a reminder that not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks, the only truth that lasts.” – Arthur Miller

“Betrayal is the most painful lesson that life teaches.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow, especially when it comes from someone you held dear.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a scar on the soul that never fully fades away.” – Unknown

“Never trust someone who betrays you once, for they are capable of doing it again.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a dagger in the dark, it strikes when you least expect it.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is like a storm that tears apart even the strongest of friendships.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a heartbreak that only time can heal.” – Unknown

“Friendship is built on trust, once that trust is broken, it’s hard to rebuild.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the ultimate act of disrespect towards a friend.” – Unknown