“I’ve learned that you can’t have everything… unless you’re willing to pay for your own personal assistant, chef, and masseuse.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance? More like work-email balance.” – Unknown

“I’m convinced that work-life balance is just a myth created by people who can’t handle their email.” – Unknown

“I finally achieved work-life balance. Now I just need to figure out how to balance my couch potato time with my wine-drinking time.” – Unknown

“The only balance I’ve managed to find in my work and life is on a seesaw, constantly teetering back and forth.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is like a unicorn… I’ve heard it exists, but I have yet to see it.” – Unknown

“I strive for work-life balance, but I often find myself knee-deep in a Netflix marathon instead.” – Unknown

“Whoever said work-life balance is all about productivity clearly hasn’t discovered the art of procrastination.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is all about finding the perfect ratio of caffeine to alcohol.” – Unknown

“They say work-life balance is important, but have they considered work-snack balance?” – Unknown

“Work and life balance would be easier if my bank account had a better sense of humor.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance: when you set your alarm for 5 am to go to the gym but snooze until 7 am to snuggle with your pet.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is like juggling… all while riding a unicycle on a tightrope.” – Unknown MOTHER DAUGHTER BEST FRIEND QUOTES

“I finally achieved work-life balance, and now my cat wants attention 24/” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is a constant battle between staying late for the job and leaving early for happy hour.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance: the eternal struggle between loving what you do and loving your free time.” – Unknown

“Work can wait. Life, on the other hand, is happening now in the form of multiple Netflix series I need to binge.” – Unknown

“I used to have work-life balance, but then I got promoted.” – Unknown

“Balancing work and life is like trying to do yoga while eating pizza. It’s not very graceful, but it gets the job done.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is practically an oxymoron. It’s like saying ‘jumbo shrimp’ or ‘decaf espresso’.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is like trying to mix oil and water… it never truly blends.” – Unknown

“I strive for work-life balance, but my inbox has other plans.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is like finding a unicorn riding a rainbow… it’s elusive and magical.” – Unknown

“Work-life balance is a constant game of rock, paper, scissors with deadlines, family events, and Netflix marathons.” – Unknown