“Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!” – John Proctor

“I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” – John Proctor

“What others say about me matters little to me; my conscience is clear.” – Rebecca Nurse

“A reputation is like a mirror; once shattered, it can never be fully restored.” – Elizabeth Proctor

“The only way to maintain a good reputation is to always act with integrity.” – Reverend Hale

“A good reputation is worth more than all the gold in the world.” – Giles Corey

“A tarnished reputation is a burden no man should bear.” – Governor Danforth

“Reputation is what others say about you, character is who you really are.” – Mary Warren

“In this community, a good name is more valuable than life itself.” – Judge Hathorne

“Your reputation is what people think of you; your character is who you truly are.” – Mercy Lewis

“Reputation is like a delicate flower; once damaged, it may never fully bloom again.” – Ann Putnam THIS MADE MY DAY QUOTES

“A reputation takes years to build, but it can be destroyed in a single moment.” – Reverend Parris

“A good name is not easily earned, but it can be quickly lost.” – Judge Hathorne

“In Salem, reputations are like fragile glass; they can easily be shattered with a single word.” – Tituba

“A reputation built on lies will eventually crumble under its own weight.” – Thomas Putnam

“Reputation is like a shadow; it follows you everywhere you go.” – Abigail Williams

“A reputation tainted by suspicion will never truly be cleansed.” – Betty Parris

“In this town, your reputation is your most valuable possession.” – Reverend Hale

“A good reputation is the foundation of trust and respect within a community.” – Elizabeth Proctor

“In a society driven by reputation, the truth often becomes a casualty.” – Mary Warren

“A reputation can be a powerful weapon, but it can also be a double-edged sword.” – Deputy Governor Danforth