“A pretentious person is like a balloon filled with nothing but hot air.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the disguise of ignorance and insecurity.” – Nathaniel Branden

“A truly confident person has no need to be pretentious.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the art of pretending to be someone you’re not.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is a mask that hides the true self.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person is too busy trying to impress others instead of being themselves.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is an attempt to appear more intelligent or sophisticated than one really is.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person is like a peacock spreading its feathers, trying to prove its worth.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the art of overcompensation for one’s insecurities.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person may have all the right words, but lacks genuine substance.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the shield of the insecure.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person is more concerned with appearance than authenticity.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the misguided pursuit of perceived sophistication.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person may appear intelligent, but true intelligence lies in humility.” – Unknown MEMORIES WILL NEVER DIE QUOTES

“Pretentiousness is a poor substitute for genuine talent or knowledge.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person speaks to impress, while a genuine person speaks to connect.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the result of an inflated ego.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person may appear confident, but true confidence comes from self-acceptance.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the attempt to mask one’s own insecurities with arrogance.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person is like a book full of big words, but lacking in substance.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the art of exaggerating one’s importance.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person often falls short of their own exaggerated claims.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is a barrier to genuine connection with others.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person may impress some, but true authenticity cannot be faked.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the enemy of true humility.” – Unknown

“A pretentious person may try to be a jack of all trades, but ends up being a master of none.” – Unknown

“Pretentiousness is the attempt to elevate oneself above others, but true greatness lies in lifting others up.” – Unknown