“Parenting is basically just keeping your child from losing their sh*t in public.” – Unknown

“Parenting is 80% making empty threats, 10% yelling, and 10% bribing.” – Unknown

“Children: You spend the first 2 years teaching them to walk and talk, and the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut up.” – Unknown

“Parenting is like being a referee, except the players are irrational, emotional, and refuse to follow the rules.” – Unknown

“Parenting is the process of gradually losing your mind, one day at a time.” – Unknown

“The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.” – Lane Olinghouse

“Parenting is the only job where you get 24/7 overtime and no sick days.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is wanting to hit your kids one moment and wanting to cuddle them the next.” – Unknown

“Parenting is the art of never sleeping, yet still looking tired all the time.” – Unknown

“Parenting is constantly asking yourself, ‘Why did I want to have kids again?'” – Unknown

“Parenting is just a series of answering questions with more questions until your child forgets what they were asking.” – Unknown

“Parenthood: The scariest hood you’ll ever go through.” – Unknown

“Parenting is the ultimate gamble. You bet on the best of humanity by raising a child.” – Jennifer Quinn

“Parenting is like a dance performance. You may not always know the next move, but you keep going and hope it looks good in the end.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is the most humbling experience you’ll ever have. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, your child will remind you that you know nothing.” – Unknown IF YOU CAN THINK IT YOU CAN DO IT QUOTES

“Parenting: When ‘eat your vegetables’ and ‘sit up straight’ turn into ‘please don’t post anything embarrassing on social media’.” – Unknown

“Parenting is a constant battle between wanting to cuddle your child forever and being excited about that upcoming solo vacation.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is teaching your child to use the potty and wondering why they want to flush all of their toys down it instead.” – Unknown

“Parenting is like riding a roller coaster blindfolded. You’re never quite sure when the next twist or turn is coming.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is the ultimate crash course in time management. Suddenly, there are never enough hours in a day.” – Unknown

“Parenting is 50% wiping butts and 50% Googling ‘Is this normal?'” – Unknown

“Parenthood is realizing that sharing your food is the ultimate display of love.” – Unknown

“Parenting is like trying to juggle all the balls in the air, but also realizing that half of them are actually mine.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is watching your child make the same mistake you did and trying not to shout, ‘I told you so!'” – Unknown

“Parenting is the art of pretending to have it all together while secretly hoping no one notices the mess at home.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is a constant battle between wanting to be your child’s best friend and needing to be their parent.” – Unknown

“Parenting is figuring out how to make a nutritious meal out of whatever leftovers are in the fridge.” – Unknown

“Parenthood is discovering that the phrase ‘Because I said so’ is a magical shortcut to end any argument.” – Unknown