“Trust is built on telling the truth, but lies can destroy even the strongest relationships.” – Unknown

“Honesty is the foundation of a healthy relationship; without it, trust crumbles.” – Unknown

“Lies may fill the void temporarily, but they erode the foundation of love.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on lies is like a house with a weak foundation; it will eventually collapse.” – Unknown

“A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed.” – Unknown

“Lies poison relationships, making the truth harder to believe.” – Unknown

“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” – Unknown

“Lies may seem like shortcuts, but they only lead to dead ends in relationships.” – Unknown

“The truth may hurt, but lies destroy.” – Unknown

“Lies tear down relationships faster than truths can build them up.” – Unknown

“If lies are the foundation of a relationship, honesty is the key to its survival.” – Unknown

“Lies shatter trust, creating distance in even the closest of relationships.” – Unknown

“Relationships are built with truth, honesty, and transparency; lies only weaken their structure.” – Unknown SUPPLY CHAIN QUOTES FUNNY

“Lies poison the foundation of love, slowly eroding the bond between two people.” – Unknown

“One lie can overshadow a thousand truths.” – Unknown

“In a relationship, lies may give temporary relief, but they always leave permanent scars.” – Unknown

“Lies are the walls that separate two people; honesty is the bridge that connects them.” – Unknown

“Relationships based on lies are like a mirage in the desert; they appear real but disappear upon closer inspection.” – Unknown

“A lie may seem small, but it spreads like wildfire, consuming everything in its path, including relationships.” – Unknown

“Lies create a tangled web in relationships, making it nearly impossible to find the way back to trust.” – Unknown

“The truth hurts, but lies destroy.” – Unknown

“Lies may temporarily cover up mistakes, but they always reveal the true character of a person.” – Unknown

“The snowball effect of lies in a relationship can bury everything in its path.” – Unknown

“When lies become the currency of a relationship, its value depreciates rapidly.” – Unknown

“Honesty is the glue that holds relationships together; lies are the solvent that dissolves them.” – Unknown